
The TracN4 Elands Marathon will take place at Milly’s Caltex Garage on the N4 at Machadodorp on the 01 March 2024.

The expo will be open from 11h00 to 20h00. This is the main race pack collection point. The second collection point will be at Lowveld Country Club (LVCC) in Steiltes in Nelspruit. This will be a collection point only and there will be no EXPO at LVCC. The Expo serves as a platform for suppliers to exhibit their products, activate and promote their brands, and introduce new offerings. The Expo features a wide range of exhibits, including footwear, apparel, supplements, nutritional products, and the latest advancements in running technology. It provides a unique opportunity to engage with a passionate community of runners, build brand awareness, generate leads, and make connections within the running industry. Don’t miss out on this exceptional opportunity! Book your stand now and be a part of the TracN4 Elands Marathon Expo.

For bookings, please contact Sue Gower on 083 743 8593 or email her on Sue Gower suegower27@gmail.com.

The expo is generously sponsored and hosted by Milly’s and Caltex Garage on the N4 at Machadodorp.

Contact us For more information on the marathon.
078 208 5183